Accommodation Plan / Overnatningssteder

Below you find details of the accommodations offered at the start, along the route, and at the finish of SBS.

Nedenfor findes en oversigt over steder for overnatning før, under og efter SBS.

Hirtshals, Denmark, August 14th – August 15th
Check-in from 5 pm (17:00)
 Montra Skaga Hotel / 
 Willemoesvej 1
9850 Hirtshals


Helsingør, Denmark, August 15th – August 16th
Konventum (LO skolen), 
 Erling Jensens Vej 1
 3000 Helsingør


Uddevalla, Sweden, August 16th - August 17th
Hotel Bohusgården,
 Nordens väg 6
 451 43 Uddevalla


Skien, Norway, August 17th August 18th
Skien Sportell /
 Moflatveien 38
 3733 Skien


Kristiansand, Norway, August 18th August 19th
Thon Hotel /
 Markens Gate 39
4612 Kristiansand

CR 27.10.2024