Qualification to SBS 2022

Participants are required to qualify through completion of a series of brevets. Due to the Corona-situation we have extended the qualification requirements for SBS to

  • a full Super Randonneur series (200, 300, 400 and 600 km) in 2021 - 2022  (you can ride 200 and 300 km in 2021 and 400 and 600 in 2022 or any other combination).


  • a 1200+ km brevet in 2020 or 2021
  •  A longer brevet can substitute a shorter - so you can qualify by riding 4 x 600 km, if you please.
  • Registration will open in January 2022 and places will be drawn amongst those who register within a couple of days. This so that there will be no stress about registration. As in previous editions there will be 25 reserved places for Danes, Swedes, Norwegian/Finns leaving 25 places for the rest of the world if all the reserved places are taken.

The qualifying brevets must be approved by the Audax Club Parisien or Les Randonneurs Mondiaux. They can be completed wherever it suits the participants, and the order can be arbitrary.


 Updated  21-12-2021 JB